


《鲁本·格斯瑞》影片故事情节,跌宕起伏,扣人心弦,是一部值得悬疑剧迷们观看的绝佳影视作品。 所谓相遇和回眸都是缘分,当你爱上了某个背影,贪恋某个眼神,意味着你已心系一段情缘。只是缘深缘浅,任谁都无从把握,聚散无由,我们都要以平常心相待。Life is good for ad man Ruben Guthrie - he leads a party boy lifestyle, has a model fiancée and lives in a house on the water. He"s at the top of his game, until some drunken skylarking lands Ruben at the bottom of his infinity pool, lucky to be alive. His mum hits the panic button, and then his fiancée leaves him, but not before issuing him one final challenge: If Ruben can do one year without a drink, she"ll give him another chance... RUBEN GUTHRIE is the story of one man not only battling the bottle, but the city that won"t let him put it down.63402497影院免费提供,悬疑剧《鲁本·格斯瑞》全集在线观看服务。


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